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Coffee Problem

  A man was at the doctor's office. "Every time I drink a cup of coffee, Doctor, I have a stabbing pain in my right eye. What should I do?" he asked .

  "Take the spoon out of your cup. " answered the doctor.


  (1) stabbing adj.刺痛的
  (2) spoon n.匙子



  ① Where was the man?
  ② What problem did he have?
  ③ In which eye did he have the problem?
  ④ How did the doctor answer him?
  ⑤ Do you think the doctor was only joking?





  ① At the doctor's office.
  ② He had a stabbing pain in the eye.
  ③ The right eye.
  ④ The doctor told him to take the spoon out of the cup every time he had a cup of coffee.
  ⑤ No.

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