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  Mr. Lee is going to buy a large amount of electronic components from your company. He also shows an interest in your company‘s PCX phone machine, which is in the charge of Mr. Angus Beard, your colleague. Mr. Lee would like to bring 10 samples and some brochures back home to make a trial sale.

  . Write a short note to Mr. Angus Beard ,one of your colleagues.

  . Tell him the fact that Mr. Lee is interested in PCX phone.

  . Mention the number he wants to have.

  . suggest their direct contact.

  . Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.


  You are a clerk in Lucky Tourism Company. You are responsible for arranging travelling lines. One day ,you received the data as follows :

  Read the following table which shows the changes in the way people spend their holidays. The table divides the tourism business into four parts ,telling the different percentages in 1980 and in 1990 ,from which you will notice the trend of current tourism business.

  . Use the information in the table to write a short report (about 100-120 words) emphasizing changes of the main business for your company.

  . Write on your Answer Sheet.


  1980 1990

  Travelling abroad 12% 23%

  Going to seaside 38% 32%

  Camping 9% 35%

  Staying at home 41% 10%

  Total 100% 100%

  .写作部分(Sample for reference)


  Dear Mr Beard,

  Mr. Lee ,one of my old clients ,has interest in our PCX phone machine. He would like to bring 10 samples and some brochures back home to make a trial sale. You may contact him directly on Tel 3108881.


  Nowadays, less people like to spend their holidays at home. More people go camping outside or even travel abroad. The changes are caused mainly by three factors. First ,people become more open. Instead of staying at home, they visit foreign countries to know the different races. Secondly ,in the 1990s , house wives are more free from the heavy housework with more and more household utensils. Families are very happy to spend holidays outside with mothers or wives. Thirdly, travelling abroad can also mean enjoying comfortable weather in another country. Therefore less people go to crowded seaside ,they turn to other ways.

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本文标题:BEC中级写作:练手神篇(2) - BEC写作


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