

阅读 :

  Nowadays, most of children are the center of a family, so the issue about which plays major role in personality, nature or nurture, is paid increasing attention by parents. As to me, I am fond of that molding one's character depends on nurture rather than nature.

  People's character will affect greatly by the people around them especially their parents. The survey proves the possibility of commit of person who deleted born in a family which have a crime is one to four times higher than the normal family's person's. To image, when a child shape character, always have a bad example around him or her, no wonder the crime possibility is much higher. So just as the saying goes:" he who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl."

  Moreover, the growing environment influences child's personality unconsciously. There is a famous story in China: Aiming to find a willing studying condition, a mother moves for three times. They at last move nearby school. From then on, the boy who used to be naughty corrects his bad habits and changes into a hardworking student. After he grows up, this boy becomes one of the greatest philosophers in Chinese history---Mencius.

  This story really shows how important role that the environment play in children's personality.

  Of course, we couldn't neglect the effect of nature, such as parents' gene. The child is a chip off the old block. Some characters proved by medical research have already existed before human were born.

  All in all, as for one person's, both nature and nurture influence the development of quality. Personally, I believe the nurture can partly make up the shortage of nature.

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