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Some people think that any money spent by the government in supporting artist (such as painters, musicians and writers) should be spent on more important things.To what extant do you agree or disagree?



paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。

paragraph 2: 论述艺术繁荣对于社会和个人的好处。社会层面:1. 文明社会的财产和文化特色的象征。个人层面;1.提高艺术欣赏能力。2.缓解生活压力。

paragraph 3: 肯定反面,即其他方面例如医疗和教育对于公民生活的重要性。

paragraph 4: 总结上文论点,强调自己的观点。


In an enlightened society, tax payers concern more about how government allocates public funds. Some of them take it for granted that financial support for artists is a waste of money as public services such as healthcare and education are of more importance. However, I believe this assertion is one-sided.

It must be admitted that artistic prosperity will surely bring advantages to both individuals and society. To commence with, without worrying about their economic conditions, painters, musicians and poets can devote themselves to the creation of splendid paintings, impressive melodies as well as lyrical poems. Apparently, those brilliant achievements are often deemed as valuable asserts of an advanced civilization, and a symbol of cultural identity. On condition that abundant art works are presented for citizens, their taste for arts can be cultivated and the sensibility to beauty can be enhanced, thus enriching their spiritual life. After all, a man does not live only by bread. Furthermore, appreciating fantastic masterpieces of outstanding artists releases modern people from high pressure of fast-paced work and life. Nothing can be compared with reading a verse - ‘ if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?’ ( written by Percy Bysshe Shelley) in a depressing and hopeless situation.

Undeniably, it is also comprehensible for those who hold that priority should be given to public services that are closely relative to citizens’ welfare. Allan Wolf once said, ‘ The obligation of the government is to protect public health, safety, morals and general welfare.’ In consequence, it is the authority’s unshakeable duty to guarantee people’s fundamental interest, benefits and rights such as receiving timely and accurate medical treatment and having equal access to education.

In conclusion, although some aspects seem more crucial to the masses, there is no denying that art plays an indispensable role in relaxing people’s mind, improving their aesthetic appreciation and promoting social civilization.


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