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  College Students’ Image Reconsidered


  Nowadays, college students comprised of the post-80 generation and the post-90 generation are alwaysput in the storm of criticisms. To list a few of thesecriticisms, they are accused of being spoiled by theirparents, for the majority of them are the onlychildren of their families. Brought up in the socialcontextof opening up and reform, they are alwaysrenounced by the older generation that they have been westernized looking to western culturesas fashionable and being cynical the Chinese counterpart. Given more and more collegegraduates have difficulties in finding decent jobs, they are perceived by the older generationsas not competent as college students of the older generations.However, I am of opinion thatthe aforementioned negative image is imposed upon the post-80 and -90 generations, which isunfair.


  Firstly, as the majority of post-80 and -90 generation college students are at school or in thelower layers of social myriad, they are vulnerable to their superior’s judgments. As is known,those older generations were brought up in a less affluent and isolated society, they weredenied a favorable social background. College students in the past had to work harder to beadmitted due to the limited resources of higher learning. When they were in college, manycould not gain allowance from their families so that they got into the habit of frugality. Beforethe adoption of opening up policy, it's difficult for them to get access to foreign cultures, not tomention American movies and Japanese cartoons.


  As a result, those older generations are likely to deem any behaviors different from their ownexperiencesas unacceptable and due to their seniority they are able to express theirjudgments on various occasions. On the contrary, the post-80 and -90 generations can notvoice their opinions in a society dominated by the older generations. Secondly, admittedly, partof the post-80 and -90 college students fit into the negative image, but they can notrepresent all the college students. According to our experience, there are students who areobsessed with computer games, who spend a lot of time keeping love affairs, and who spendmoney in an extravagant manner. In comparison with these students, the majority of thepost-80 and -90 students can fit into an ideal model of college students. Some absorbthemselves in the library all day long. Some take part-time jobs in their spare time to pay fortuition fees. Some voluntarily go to the remote areas to teach poverty-stricken students. Iwas wondering why the media do not provide more reports of those positive aspects of thepost-80 and -90 generation college students.


  On all accounts, the negative image is imposed by those established older generations, andcan not represent all the college students. As a member of the post 80 and 90 collegestudents, I believe that we will still be the backbone of our society in the future.


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