
Ernest's Party

阅读 :

  One day, Granny elephant remembered that Ernest's birthday was coming. “Would you like a party?” she said to Ernest.

  “Can I have Emma and Eileen to my party?” said Ernest.

  “Oh, no!” said Granny, “they live too far away. You can't have Emma and Eileen at your party.” Ernest was disappointed, but he followed Granny as she set off to the banana tree where the old lady elephants met each day.

  “Can I have Cousin Eric to my party, Granny?” said Ernest.

  “Oh, no!” said Granny as she joined her friends under the banana tree. “Eric is much too rough, you can't have Eric at your party.” Poor Ernest, he was so said because he couldn't have Emma, Eileen or Eric. Who could he have to his party?

  Meanwhile, Granny was talking to her friends. “Ernest is having a birthday party,” she said. “I hope you will all come.”

  Now at the top of the banana tree sat Grandfather monkey. He heard what Granny said, and he knew that no little elephant would want old lady elephants at his party, so he threw a bunch of bananas down on to Granny's head.

  “Good gracious!” said Granny. “I've never seen it rain bananas before!”

  The next day all the old lady elephants came to Ernest's party. They made a ring round the party food and began to eat. Poor Ernest's little trunk couldn't reach anything.

  A tear rolled down his cheek, he turned away, and saw a crowd of monkeys all carrying birthday presents of fruit.

  Grandfather monkey had sent for all his grandchildren to come to the party, so Ernest had a happy time, after all.

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