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  Delivery Ability Matters or the Contents?


  In college,it is claimed that students are given theright to select their courses in line with their personalpreferences.But,in actuality,college studentshave to take some compulsory courses and somerequired selective courses.On thoseoccasions,professors will find in their lecturesstudents are absent-minded and hence interactionswith students in class can not be easily achieved.Some people think that if professors areeloquent enough and have excellent delivery ability,their class will be interesting.Forthesestudents,the contents of professors’lectures seem less important.However,we can notsimply assume that which one is more important than the other.We should make specificanalysis.


  Firstly what matters is undoubtedly the contents for students.In compulsory courses orselective courses,students are required to acquire basic knowledge or want to learn whatinterests them. It is ridiculousto suspect that professors are disqualified.When professorscan stand in front of students and are givinglectures,they are experienced and know morethan students after years of research and teaching. For college students,they are required toattentively listen to professors and take notes so that they canimprovethemselves.In thissense, when students are busy absorbing what professors are instructing in class,they willbecome less fussy about professors’delivery skills.


  Secondly,for professors,it is their responsibility to have a full preparation for lectures and todeliver effectively the contents of their lectures to student.While the contents can fulfillstudents’needs,excellent delivery skills will arouse students’interest and hold their attentionfor a long time.Given the fact that students can not select their favorite courses according totheir own interests and preferences,professors should make more efforts to prepare forlectures.Of course,each professor has formed his own style after years of teaching. Butstudents in different periods have different characters andneeds;professors can not simplyapply their styles to all students. While students in the past might regard professors’ deliverystyle funny, current students are likely to dislike the style and consider it outdated andmanipulative.


  On all accounts, as we can reach different conclusion from different perspectives, we can notsimply determine delivery ability mattersmore than the contents or vice verse.Whileinteresting teaching styles andcontent-loaded contents make professors popular amongstudents,college students should not forget that they are required to acquire knowledge inclass.


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本文标题:专八作文范文:内容还是教学能力 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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