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  Is Seeking Psychiatric Help a sign of weakness


  As the society develops,it is becoming more andmore competitive. No wonder that the adults andthe children are under great pressure. Andunfortunately many people have mental problems.However, few of themvoluntarily seek psychiatrichelp, for it is widely regarded as a sign ofweakness. As far as I am concerned, peopleshould develop the new idea that seeking psychiatric help is a normal need and that apersonshould seek help from a doctor if he is ill,whether mentally or physically.


  To start with,the mental problem is common among people in the modern society. With theincreasingly faster pace of life,competition in the society becomes fierce, and relationshipsbetween people are intensified.The science and technology is developing, which means weshould keep learning and keep up with the progress of knowledge. Most adults are sufferingfrom the employment pressure. And students commonly feel depressed and worried abouttheir academic study and the relationship with their friends. So it is clear that psychologicalor emotional problems are common in our life. It’s just like we feel uncomfortable when weget a cold or a cough. So seeking psychiatric help is nothing special. It will help people tobehealthy.What’s more,seeking psychiatric help is not a sign of weakness.


  On the contrary,it shows you are brave enough to face the problem and solve it. Somepeople think that only insane patients go to see the psychiatrist. They are afraid of beingseen as abnormal. And they don’t understand how the psychiatrists can help, what willhappen during the therapy and so on. So they prefer to keep it as a secret when they havepsychologic problems, which will make things worse. We shouldnot hide our sickness for fearof treatment. We should abandon the prejudice against mental problems. Infact, seekingpsychiatric help means a person have the courage to face the problem. It is never a sign ofweakness. It is a way for us to strive to gain health.


  To sum up,seeking psychiatric help is not a sign of weakness or insanity. It is important forpeople toaccept the new idea that it is a normal need, and that everyone who faces himselfbravely should be respected.


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