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  大学生,请远离股市(college students,out of stock market,please)

  recently, one of the hottest topic arousing general concern is whether college students should deal in stocks.

  it is widely accepted that practice with study can bring some positive effects for a student.

  however ,others argue that dealing in stocks isn't suitable for college students. but according to me , i firmly hold that its negative effects overweight its benefits for the following reasons.

  first, college students have limited spare time and stocks dealing cost their energy and time. by taking health and lacking in related knowldge into account, it is suggested that students should leave stock market.

  second, dealing in stocks means bearing great economic risks.if they lose much money in the stocks market, perhaps they cannot adjust their mind and afford the loss hence may be deal to serious results.

  the last, college students dealing in stocks is likely to make problems for their parents.

  from what has been discussed above, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that college students should not deal in stocks.

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本文标题:英语专八优秀作文:大学生,请远离股市 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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