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  Grades are really something important for most students. Schools and society as a whole often value a student just by his or her performance in the subjects on an examination. Students with higher grades are considered as winners. On the other hand, those with lower grades are, unfortunately, looked upon as losers.

  Forced by this expectation, students try hard as they may to get higher grades. Some students do not study hard in their daily lives, instead, they try to recite some important facts or rules just before the examinations. Some students do not even do this, they just cheat on the examinations in order to get high grades.

  I believe that a grading system is good and necessary for a school, but it should not be the only measure of a person's ability. Schools should set up more elective courses, for instance, to train the students to solve practical problems. Or they can give more

  consideration to some changes in the examinations that can arouse the leaning interest instead of just giving grades.

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