
英语短文:生命只有一次 好好宠爱自己

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  Make time for you
  First things first -- if you’re going to take some time to show yourself some appreciation, you need to make time for it. Just like you might schedule brunch with your BFFs or a trip to the gym, schedule date night with yourself.

  Pamper yourself
  Who doesn’t love to be pampered? Whether you book a monthly spa treatment, weekly soak in a hot tub after a particularly stressful day, make a point to pamper yourself on the regular. Not only will you give yourself something to look forward to, you’ll be minimizing stress and showing yourself some love! Even curling up with a glass of wine and a good book with your phone turned off and laptop hidden away can be a form of pampering. Just do whatever makes you feel good.

  Take yourself out
  There’s no rule that states you need a date to go to dinner, a movie or an art gallery. If there’s something you want to do or somewhere you want to go, we suggest doing it solo. Take yourself out -- be it to a wine bar you love, a restaurant you’ve been itching to go to or a movie you really want to see. Doing this will build confidence and allow you to feel more independent and at ease with yourself.

  Try something new
  It’s easy to try new things with a friend or partner, but solo adventures can be a little trickier. We’re not suggesting a jump out of a plane or a ride on the tallest, scariest roller coaster (unless you want to). We’re talking about trying something you’ve always wanted to do, whether it’s learning a new language, taking up a new sport or enrolling in a continuing education class. Doing something new is a great way to empower yourself and have fun on your own.


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本文标题:英语短文:生命只有一次 好好宠爱自己 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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