

阅读 :

  Since about a third of our time is spent at the office, it's not surprising that romance can easily spark between colleagues.At work, you're often surrounded by bright, driven people who understand your work stress and worries at the office, so dating a colleague is actually pretty common.


  However, there are some basic rules to keep in mind when dating someone you work with. Here are the most important do's and don'ts you should follow.



  Do follow your company's policy.


  Every organization is different. If you're interested in a colleague, make sure you know your company's policy, so that you don't violate any corporate regulations.


  You especially need to be aware if you're required to come forward with your relationship. The last thing you want is for a love interest to have a negative impact on your career.


  Don't reveal your relationship on social media sites.


  Keep the relationship private. Your coworkers do not need to know the intimate details of your romance. No posting photos about your latest love interest on Facebook or sending tweets about it. You never know who will see them.


  Do set rules from the beginning.


  This means that you should both have a discussion from the beginning about how to conduct yourselves, what both of you want out of the relationship, and how to handle the situation if the relationship falls apart.


  Don't display any physical affection in front of coworkers.


  There should never be any physical displays of affection when in a professional setting. This includes kissing, hugging, hand-holding, or even staring at each other from across the room. These rules should be followed in the office as well as at social work events.


  Do be professional if it ends.


  Another downside to workplace relationships occurs when a love affair dissolves. You may still have to see or work with the person. You can’t vent your negative feelings in public, even if the person treated you poorly.


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