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  my one and only,

  i can scarcely believe that it is a year since you a way it has been the longest year of mylife,and the most terrible,and the darkest.but inanother way it seems only yesterday that i saw youlast……with a faint,beautiful smile on your facebecause you had found peace at last.i stood therebeside the hospital bed,looking down at you as if icould never have enough……numb with grief as therealization swept over me that i had lost you.

  for so many months you had been in pain.thepoem you wrote about it tore at my heart,for itcame from your had told me time andagain that you did not fear death,that when it cameyou felt you would welcome it.but you had promised to stay with me as long as you could,andyou had done it,in spite of your wish to go.nowdeath had come as a friend and you were free.

  it was i who was bound now.bound to life,bound to sorrow,forced to go on without you.

  i had tried so hard to keep you;i had turnedaway from the inevitable,as if by ignoring it i could vanquish it.standing beside you i knew atlast what i was faced with,and it seemed morethan i could bear.

  it was after that that i began writing to you,and those letters have made me see how much iowed you and how i gained from you.they havebeen my salvation and perhaps now i am strongenough to go on——not without you,as i hadthought,but with you.for no one,as that perspicacious editor said,is truly dead who isremembered with love.and i have remembered youwith love,with all the love of my heart.

  and you are with me.when i sit in the needle- point chair you made,you are there.when i raisemy eyes to the walls where your paintings hang,you are there.when i am at the table and gaze atthe doilies you embroidered,when i lie in bedunder the afghans you crocheted,when i dress fordinner and put on the gold bracelet and theearrings you made for me,you are there.yourbooks line the shelves,your poems are there to beread over and over,your speaking eyes look out atme from the photograph on my desk.

  i can never lose you,my gallant one.i haveonly to remember the laughter we shared,the dayswe spent together,the inspiration of your struggle against pain,the spirit with which you met life,andi am enriched and i know that i cannever lose you because i have remembered youwith love,and you will abide with me to the end of my days.








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本文标题:名人家书:阿黛尔迪莱乌致姐姐(2)中英双语 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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