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color our world with words



claude monet, the french, cried, “color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.”  swiss artist paul klee wrote, “color possesses me.”  monet and klee weren’t just philosophizing.  scientists have found that colors shape moods and emitions.  for example, red-walled rooms may induce anxiety and anger, while green tones may calm the nerves.  given a pigment’s power, writers and poets should embrace color with as much abandon as painters.


the very notion of “color” has a myriad of meanings.  a resolute person “sticks to his colors”.  picturesque stories have “a lot of color.”  “colorful language” is distinctive and vivid.  the tonal quality is “color”.  at a flag raising, the soldiers “salute the colors”.  whites used to call non-caucasians “coloreds”--a slur that backfired when blacks retorted by calling caucasians “people without color”.


in fact, more expressive than the word “color” are the colors themselves.  blue, the color of the vast sea and sky, is by extension the hue of the infinite, of remote distances and times.  a seagull soars into “the blue”.  unexpected guests “pop in out of the blue”.  in the 16th century, ben johnson wrote, “blueness doth express trueness,” because blue also means patrician.  moralists pass “blue laws”; and aristocrats are “blue bloods”.  for us common folk, blue may mirror the melancholy of mortals dwarfed by the infinite.  a businessman away from home on christmas “has the blues”; a grumbler “sings the blues”; a jilted lover “sings the blues”.


red is passion and action, the color of mars, named for the roman god of war.  a communist is a “red”.  reporters vie for “red-hot” scoops.  honored guests get the “red carpet treatment”.  red also has negative connotations.  we are “red-faced” when angry or embarrassed.  police sometimes catch thieves “red-handed”.  a “red nose” drinks too much.  a “red herring” diverts attention from the main issue.  a failing business runs “in the red”.  a “red eye special” is a cheap but exhausting overnight flight.



本文标题:双语:用颜色词把生活天地点缀得五彩缤纷 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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