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marriage is serious business

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  “I do.” To Americans those two words carry great meaning. They can even change your life. Especially if you say them at your own wedding. Making wedding vows is like signing a contract. Now Americans don't really think marriage is a business deal. But marriage is serious business.「我愿意」这句话对美国人而言具有重大意义,它甚至可以改变你的生命,特是当你在自己的婚礼上说出这句话时,在婚礼中所发的誓言就如同签订契约一样,美国人并不是真把婚姻当作商业交易,但是,结婚确实是件严肃的事情。

  It all begins with engagement. Traditionally, a young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her. If the father agrees, the man later proposes to her. Often he tries to surprise her by “popping the question” in a romantic way.结婚是从订婚开始,在传统上,年轻人会请求他的女朋友的父亲允许他娶她,如果女方的父亲答应,之后方可向女方求婚。通常男方会试着以罗曼蒂克的方式「提出这个问题」以带给女方惊喜。

  Sometimes the couple just decides together that the time is right to get married. The man usually gives his fiancee a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement. They may be engaged for weeks, months or even years. As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelor's parties provide many useful gifts. Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of married life.有时候双方会觉得现在结婚正是时候,于是男方通常会送女方钻戒做为互订终身的象征。他们可能订婚几个星期、几个月,甚至几年,当大喜的日子接近时,贺礼赠送会和单身汉俱乐部都会赠送许多实用的礼物。今天有许多订婚的男女在订婚期间接受咨询服务,这是为了让他们有准备接受婚姻生活的挑战。

  At last it's time for the wedding. Although most weddings follow long-held traditions, there's still room for American individualism. For example, the usual place for a wedding is in a church. But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while skydiving or riding on horseback! The couple may invite hundreds of people or just a few close friends. They choose their own style of colors, decorations and music during the ceremony. But some things rarely change. The bride usually wears a beautiful, long white wedding dress. She traditionally wears “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.” The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo. Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor

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