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Study Tips
Wouldn't it be great to get paid for studying, even if it was minimum wage? “ Hey, where do you work?” “ Oh, I study. The pay is great! Not only do I get paid $ 5.50 an hour, but I get smarter too!”

  Yeah right! That would only happen in our dreams (if you dream about that sort of thing). The only payment we receive when we study is the grade that we get in return, whether it be good or bad. Studying is a fact of life. We have to do it and it takes up1 most of our time. If it doesn't take up most of your time, then you are obviously one of the privileged, the naturally smart.For the rest of the not so privileged2 students, I would like to share3 with you a few study tips.

  Re-write Your Notes. The first study tip that I would like to tell you about is writing your notes over. Now I know you are thinking to yourself, “ Is she crazy? I spent an hour already writing them once, and once is enough!” Yes, I know you already have cramps4 in your fingers from writing your notes, but writing them a second time will implant5 the information in your brain. This will enable you to recall more of the “ stuff 6 ” that you need to know much easier because you would have written and seen the notes twice.

  Make And Use Flashcards7.Flashcards are a very big help when you have to memorize a lot of information such as definitions and even what certain pictures are. The only downfall8 to the flashcards is that you have to personally make them and use them, and this takes time. Believe me, it is worth it though.

  Study In A Pack9. Studying can be fun, but only when you do it with people you like. Having a study group will help you understand information from different interpretations10 other than the teacher's “ over-your-head” interpretations. This type of studying will also keep you motivated because you know that there are other people who need to study and those other people are your friends.

  Let's face it: studying is one of our least favorite things, but to have good grades, you have to sacrifice some time. I believe that these ways of studying will help “ ease the pain.” There are many ways to study, but I found that these study tips benefited me the most. If they do not work for you, try other ways to study.

















10.interpretation[ in7tE:pri5teiFEn ]n.解释,说明

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