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We often rant on about how mothers are important in our lives and forget the sacrifice of our fathers and the roles they have played in our lives. He dedicated all his enjoyment just to get us a goodlife and give us a head start. Perhaps, this is because fathers tend to be less expressive than Moms and are often reserved in nature.

Even if this is the case, we should not undermine the sacrifices he has made and the love and tender care he has showered upon us.Someone has centerly said - A father carries pictures where hismoney used to be. Today, in the materialistic lifestyle, we often become so engrossed with our little families consisting of spouse and children that we overlook the simple courtesy of saying thanks and express our gratitude to our old men.

Heres a beautiful poem for Dads:

F faithful.

A always there.

T trustworthy.

H Hnoring.

E Ever-loving.

R centereous.

S Supportive.


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