

阅读 :

forming a mastermind alliance

让我们先来看一下“火车列车员”的智囊团模式:列车长之所以能够使火车开往目的地的惟一原因,就是其他列车 员认同并且尊重列车长的职权。如果,列车长未能适时地告诉司机火车出发的时间,乘客们会下车寻求其他可到目的的 方法,如果司机不遵守交通规则,很可能会发生致命的车祸……
for a model of mastermind alliance at work,consider a train crew.the conductor(you) can take the train to its destination only because all the other members of the train crew recognize and respect his(your) authority.what would happen if the conductor failed to signal the engineer that it was time to start? passengers would abandon the train and find some other way to get where they wanted to go.if the engineer didn't bother to heed the signals along the track,the resulting crash could cost lives.

本文标题:成功的钥匙:组织智囊团-英语美文成功篇 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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