

阅读 :

Mastermind alliance

智囊团是由两个或两个以上的人,以和谐的态度和主动 积极的精神,为共同目标齐心努力的团体。
A mastermind alliance it built of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common definite object.

智囊团原则使你得以把他人的经验、训练和知识所汇集 的力量,当作是自己的力量一样加以运用;如果你能有效地 应用智囊团,则无论你自己的教育程度或才智如何,几乎都 能克服所有的障碍。
The mastermind principle lets you appropriate and use the full strength of the experience,training,and knowledge of other people just as if they were your own.You can overcome almost any obstacle you face,no matter what your own education or talents,if you use the mastermind principle effectively.

没有人能够不需要任何帮助而成功。毕竞个人的力量有 限,所有伟大的人物,都必须靠着他人的帮助,才有扩展和 茁壮的可能。
No one has ever attained outstanding success in anything without applying the mastermind principle.No one mind is complete by itself.All truly great minds have been reinforced through contact with others that allowed them to grow and expand.

本文标题:成功的钥匙:智囊团-英语美文成功篇 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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