
培根散文随笔集第37章:Of Masques & Triumphs 论宫剧与盛会(中英对照)

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37 of masques & triumphs  论宫剧与盛会

these dungs are but toys, to come amongst such serious observations. but yet, since princes will have such things, it is better they should be graced with elegancy, than daubed with cost dancing to song, is a thing of great state, and pleasure. i understand it, that the song be in choir, placed aloft, and accompanied with some broken music; and the ditty fitted to the device. acting in song, especially in dialogues, hath an extreme good grace: i say acting, not dancing (for that is a mean and vulgar thing), and the voices of the dialogue would be strong and manly (a bass, and a tenor; no treble) and the ditty high and tragical; not nice or dainty. several choirs, placed one over against another, and taking the voice by catches, anthem-wise, give great pleasure.

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本文标题:培根散文随笔集第37章:Of Masques & Triumphs 论宫剧与盛会(中英对照) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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