
一次难忘的聚会(An unforgettable Party)

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一次难忘的聚会(An unforgettable Party)

The first time I realized it was Nurses's Day.

The first time I had the most unforgettable party in my life.

The arrangement of my American teachers is so imaginative, the creative games we had brought so much fun that I never experienced before.

In fact, I felt I had already been exhusted when we were playing the first game.Cause Iris and I. both of us laughed so much and so deep and so long. The posture of everyone to throw out the ball was such funny that we can't help laughing at htem were partners.Perhaps its God's guiding provide Summer with the precious opportunity.Because she once told me that Abraham just looks like her first boy friend.She will feel sad if she sees Abraham's face.

Fingding out the clue is my favorite game.Gusse what?The first person our team need to meet was Mr Elijah.Standing at the gate of Shanghai Memory in rainsilencely, he still looked so attractive for his quiet. ON our way to KFC, I recognized Avraham with the bicycle he rode, I just saw he was riding this type of bicycle one hour ago. Our team can work out what the clue indicated really quickly but we had been spending some time on finding Mr Dill and Miss Beth.Therefore, we were the last team reached,however, we still found Mr Dill almost at the end of the game...

Iris and I were really enjoy it.It's a pity that we didn't stay any longer but we still regard it as a precious experience and will never forget what happended that night.

Thank you our team leader Miss Hannah, Nehemiah.Thank you Miss Sarah, Miss Traci, Miss Beth Abraham,Mr Dill and Mr Elijah. THANK YOU!

We are NO.1,not2,not3 not4, we are No1!

Red Dragon, Go dragons!

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