趣味图片英语笑话: reality tv 真人秀(双语)
sign you're watching too much reality tv
This is a true story, which happened to me. For a while, I worked as a cashier at a local drugstore. Well, one afternoon, while I was working at the drug counter,a woman came in and dropped of...
2018-11-01 英语笑话 -
Importance of a second language
A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog. When the kittens cowered, the cat let out a series of loud barks, scaring the dog away. 一天,一只猫妈妈领着4只小猫在路上走,却遇到了一只大狗。...
2018-12-25 英语笑话 -
外国最新英语幽默笑话精粹41:场景 (中英)
Did you hear the one about the ethnic who came home and found his wife between the sheets with another man? Well,he pulls out a gun, saying,“ That’s enough! I’m going to put an e...
2018-10-31 英语笑话 -
I Want Her to go Nuts
Mrs. Flinders decided to have her portrait painted. She told the artist, "Paint me with diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant." "But you're not wearing any...
2018-12-28 英语笑话 -
趣味图片英语笑话:fish douches灌洗鱼(双语)
Fucking fish douches! You're such exhibitionists! Always swimming around and showing off! How about getting some curtains!该死的灌洗鱼!你们是表现狂!总是游泳,炫耀!弄一些获窗帘如何!ANSWER ME! A...
2018-11-03 英语笑话 -
Two old friends were out golfing. As they were preparing to tee off near a road, a funeral cortege drove by and one of the two friends took off his hat and held it over his...
2018-11-28 英语笑话