
英语幽默小故事带翻译:An easy way 轻而易举(中英双语)

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163.An easy way


Stepping from my kitchen into the garage, I accidentally locked myself out of the house. When I tried to persuade my 18-month-old son,Taylor, to open the door, none of my tactics worked. Finally,I walked around the house to check for an open window. To my amazement,I found the front door open and Taylor standing there with a salesman.


"I've been locked out for 20 minutes,"I said. "How did you get him to open the door?"


Looking puzzled,the man replied,“I rang the doorbell."


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本文标题:英语幽默小故事带翻译:An easy way 轻而易举(中英双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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