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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends! China Classifieds!

The technology of instant messaginghas taken over my 11-year-old daughter's life.


I realized this when I was helping her prepare for a spelling test.


"Celebration" I challenged."C-E-L-E-B-R-A-S "hellip;no, wait"

当我考她: “Celebration,怎样拼时?”“C-E-L-E-B-R-A-S ... ...不是,等一下。”

She paused. "Backspace the S."

她停了一下,说道,“S 得(用退格键)删掉”。

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本文标题:知行哈哈糖英语笑话之生活篇30:IM时代的拼写(中英+) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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