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本文标题:史上最强的英文情书是这样写的.... - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


  • jaccasses jokes

    A burglar broke into a house one night. He shone his flashlight around, looking for valuables, and when he picked up a CD player to place in his sack, a strange, disembodied...

    2018-11-19 英语笑话
  • 趣味图片英语笑话:Pole vaulting 撑杆跳(双语)
    趣味图片英语笑话:Pole vaulting 撑杆跳(双语)

    pole vaulting never really caught on in nepal撑杆跳绝不会在尼泊尔流行起来 更多 英语笑话、英语小笑话、英文笑话、英语幽默小故事 相关文章和资料,请继续关注 英语作文大全...

    2018-11-02 英语笑话
  • The First Time

      Patient: I'm so frightened, this is my first operation.  Surgeon: I know just how you feel. This is my first operation, too.  第一次  病人:我很害怕,这是我第一次动手术。  外科医生:我完全理...

    2018-12-07 英语笑话
  • 青出于蓝

      Too Smart for Dad  "Young man," said the angry father from the head of stairs, "didn't I hear the clock strike four when you brought my daughter in?"  "You did," admitted the boyfriend, "i...

    2019-01-06 英语笑话
  • 每日一笑 (5.5)

    Big Surprise Visitor: Is this a healthy place to live in? Local yokel:Yes, sir. When I arrived here, I couldn't walk or eat solid food. Visitor: What was the matte...

    2018-11-19 英语笑话
  • I love three....

      I love three things:the sun ,the moon and you ;  the sun for the day ;  the moon for the night ;  and you for ever .更多 英语笑话、英语小笑话、英文笑话、英语幽默小故事,请继续关注 英语作文大全...

    2018-12-10 英语笑话
  • 英汉双语笑话:你不配用电脑!什么人不配用电脑?

    客服mm们除了要拥有甜美的声音和对解决方案的把握能力,更重要的是要有一根超强的避雷针。小心被客户雷得外焦里嫩,就像这则笑话里的那样。 actual dialog of a former...

    2018-10-29 英语笑话
  • 那些妙趣横生的英语幽默故事118:四减四等于几

    那些妙趣横生的英语幽默故事4-4= ? 四减四等于几 one day, the teacher inquired peter: how much is four minus four ? " peter was tongu...

    2018-10-31 英语笑话
  • Navajo Message For The Moon 纳瓦伙族人给月球的讯息

    Navajo Message For The Moon纳瓦伙族人给月球的讯息When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project, it took the astronauts to a Navajo reservation in Arizona for training. One...

    2018-11-27 英语笑话
  • 委婉的老板 双语笑话

    One of the most tactful men he ever knew”,a California manufacturer says,“was the man who fired me from my very first job.He called me in and said,‘son,I don’t know...

    2018-11-25 英语笑话
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