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                     The Lucky Cat

"Father," said Jimmy, running into the drawing-room," there's a bigblack cat in the dining-room."
"Never mind, Jimmy," said his father drowsily, "black cats are lucky.""This one is; he's just had your dinner!"


吉米跑进客厅说:“爸爸,餐厅里有一只大黑猫!”他的父亲懒洋洋得说:“没关系,吉米,黑猫是幸运猫呢。”  “它的确很幸运:(因为)它刚把你的晚饭给吃了。”

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本文标题:每日一笑(5.15) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

上一篇:Dead Cat一只死猫 下一篇:美国人的笑话


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