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Son: Is it bad to drag,dad?
Father: Naw.It's essential!
Father: Kid,if you're going to be a Viking,you'll have to learn how to brag.You look the enemy in
the eye and do the chicken scratch and then you..."O O WAWEEEEEEE!!" My momma was a thunderhead!My daddy was a lightning bolt! I'm meaner than a sore-tooth snake...rougher than a rusty saw! I spit nails and I can beat any man in the world!!
Son: Then you fight?
Father: Heck,kid - if you do it right you don't have to fight at all!!

儿子: 吹牛不好吗,爹?
父亲: 胡说.吹牛是必须的!
父亲: 孩子,为了成为一个好的威京人,你必须学会吹牛.你瞪住敌人的眼睛,用力蹬地面,接着你说:"呜哇哇伊!"我妈是闪电婆!我爸是打雷公!我比毒蛇更凶狠...比老虎更残忍!我吐出的口水像铁钉,我能打败全世界任何人!!
儿子: 然后你就开打吗?
父亲: 天啊,孩子,只要你表演得好,你根本不用打!!

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本文标题:北海大英雄-1-吹牛 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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