I know who god is!A boy says to her mother, "Mom, is God a man or woman?"The mom thinks a while and says, "Well, son, God is both man and woman."The son is confused, so he asks, "Is God black or white?"The mother replies, "God is both black and white, honey."The son, still curious, says after a while, "Is God gay or straight, mommy?"The mother, getting a little worried, answers, "Son, God is both gay andstraight.The son thinks about it, and his face lights up when he thinks he finally hasanswered his question: "Is God Michael Jackson?"儿子:妈妈,上帝是男人还是女人?妈妈:宝贝,上帝是男人也是女人!儿子:那上帝是黑人还是白人?妈妈:宝贝,上帝是黑人也是白人!儿子:妈妈 ,上帝是放荡的还是正直的?妈妈:宝贝,上帝是放荡的也是正直的!儿子:哦。我知道了,上帝是迈克尔·杰克逊!