

阅读 :

   As a new father, I quickly learned the true meaning of maternal instinct. Late one night, I was summoned to the hospital to attend to one of my patients. I quietly got up in the dark but tripped over a toy and crashed to the floor. As I lay there rubbing my sore leg, my wife slept on.   
   Then there was a faint cough from the nursery.Debra leaped out of bed, running past me down the hall to our babys room.
   When she returned, she looked at me and said,"What on earth are you doing on the floor?"
(1) maternal adj.      母性的   
(2) instinct n.        本能   
(3) summon v.          召唤;召集   
(4) attend(to)       照顾;用心   
(5) trip over          绊在某物上而跌跤;失足
(6) crash v.           猛跌或猛撞并带破碎声   
(7) nursery n.         保育室   
(8) leap v.跳;跃 Exercises:
① Late one night, the husband was called to take care of one patient.
② The husband knocked something over on to the floor.   
③ The husband hurt his own leg.   
④ The wife didnt response although her husband made a loud noise.   
⑤ The husband learned the true meaning of maternal instinct.


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本文标题:英语习题簿11.2 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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