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     "Oh, my poor man," exclaimed the kind old lady, "It must be dreadful to be lame. But it would be much worse if you were blind."      "You're absolutely right," said the beggar, obviously an old hand at the game." When I was blind, people kept giving me foreign coins."       "啊,可怜的人,"善良的老妇人惊叹道。"脚瘸就够惨的了,要是眼瞎就更糟了。"       "你说的一点儿没错,"那乞丐说。他显然是乞讨老手。"我眼瞎的时候,人们老是给我外币。"



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本文标题:英汉双语笑话习题簿2011.5.4 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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