
55.The Mistaken Father

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  The morning following the birth of our first child, my husband was mistakenly directed to the room of another new mother on the maternity floor. As he walked into the room, he bent over the nap- ping mother, whose back was turned to him, and gave her a big kiss. The woman was startled to see a stranger. But before she could say anything, my husband smiled and said, "I didn't know having a baby would change you this much!"


  (1) mistaken adj.弄错了的 (4) nap v.小睡;打盹

  (2) direct v.批示方向;指点 (5) startle v.使惊奇

  (3) maternity n.(医院)产科病房



  ① When did the husband go to see his wife?

  A. in the morning

  B. at noon

  C. in the afternoon

  D. at night

  ② Why did the husband enter the room of another new mother ?

  A. Because he had a bad memory.

  B. Because he was misguided by the nurse.

  C. Because he was mistakenly directed.

  D. The new other needed help.

  ③ What was the other new mother doing?

  A. She was crying out for help.

  B. She was lying in bed, awake.

  C. She was having asleep.

  D. She was chatting with the man's wife.

  ④ What did the husband do to the other new mother?

  A. He smiled at her and then went out.

  B. He bent over and kissed her.

  C. He helped the woman to get up.

  D. He sent her a bunch of flower.

  ⑤ How did the husband handle the incident?

  A. He ran out quickly.

  B. He felt ashamed.

  C. He was very angry with the woman.

  D. He left the mistake uncorrected and made the best of it.






本文标题:55.The Mistaken Father - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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