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每周一篇英文日志,坚持一年,你的英语能力将发生质的飞跃! China Classifieds!

   When electing Presidents of the United States, Americans haven't been partial to one type of man. Commanders in Chief of all kinds--tall and short, handsome and homely, well-educated and barely schooled, scoundrel and saint--were sent to Washington to serve。
  The following questions delve behind the formal portraits of our nation's Presidents to reveal their idiosyncrasies, oddities andironies。
  Q. WhichPresident's son was personally affected by three Presidential assassinations?  
  A. Abraham Lincoln's oldest son, Robert Todd, was at his father's side after the 16th President was assassinated at Ford's Theatre in 1865. Sixteen years later he was at the Washington raildepot where the 20th President, James Garfield, was shot and killedin 1881. In 1901 Lincoln was in Buffalo at the Pan-American Exposition, where 25th President William Mc Kinley was assassinated.The reafter Lincoln avoided functions where a President waspresent。
  Q. Which President was also a King?
  A. Gerald Ford. Bornin 1913 as Leslie L. King, Jr., his mother orced and remarried.His stepfather informally adopted him, renaming him Gerald R.Ford。
  生于1913年的他本名Leslie L. King,Jr.,因为目前离异再婚,他被继父收养,改名为GeraldR. Ford。


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本文标题:关于美国总统的脑筋急转弯① - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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