双语笑话 Freudian slip—手误
The sentence in the Thanksgiving edition of my church bulletin intended to say "Thank you, Lord, for the many miracles we are too blind to see." But in what might have been a classic Freudian slip, the sentence read "Thank you, Lord, for the many miracles we are too blond to see."
我的教堂板报的感恩节感言原来想写的是“感谢您,我的主,为如此多我们熟视无睹的奇迹”。 不过,我们看到的却是一个算得上是经典的手误,“感谢您,我的主,为如此多我们由于太傻而无法看到的奇迹”。
上一篇:我要一张嘴他们就会发现我的四颗金牙 下一篇:我真的不认为我应该得零分