
双语笑话 六一去KFC

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  A Taste of Fast Food
  (Written by Dale & Morgan; Level: Basic)
  Grandpa: It’s time for dinner Bao Bao. Wash up!
  Grandson (Bao Bao, 12 years old): Aw Grandpa, I don’t want rice again. Can you take me to KFC tonight? Please?
  Grandpa: I suppose so, but you’ll have to show me where it is. We’ll take the bus.
  At the counter of KFC…
  Grandpa: Why are children so crazy about chicken wings and hamburgers? What’s so good about them?
  Grandson: Hmm…hmm. Hey, I’ll take 2 chicken wings and a Coke, OK?
  At the table…
  Grandpa: Bao Bao, do you like being Chinese or do you sometimes wish you could live in America or Europe?
  Grandson: Uh, maybe America, I think the foods there are cool. Why?
  Grandpa: Well, when I was your age, I liked to go out with my parents and eat in a Chinese restaurant. We didn’t have chicken wings or the drink with bubbles. We drank tea and we had rice and traditional Chinese dishes.
  Grandson: Grandpa, I want some French fries. Can I have some?
  Grandpa: Phew…all right! Children are children after all. Bao Bao, do you know what children ate in the past? They ate spring rolls when spring was coming, glutinous rice balls during the Lantern Festival and if they behaved well, their parents would probably buy them small steamed bread made with corn flour…I can still remember the taste, that sweet…
  Grandson: I want more chicken wings, can I, Grandpa?
  Grandpa: You’ve already eaten too much of that, Bao Bao! A lot of your friends are getting fat too…you know, in the good old days, we…
  Grandson: Grandpa, pass the ketchup,‘kay?
  counter n.柜台
  bubble n.泡沬
  roll n.管状食品
  steamed bread n.馒头
  flour n.面粉


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