双语 笑话亚洲十大笨贼,笨到受害人都愤怒了②
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Kemaman, Malaysia: Spirit imprisons burglar for three days.
马来西亚登加楼:鬼怪来帮忙、小偷得手也别想出门Who needs a home alarm when you’ve got a ghoul for security? A Malaysian couple returned from vacation to find a serial burglar lying on their floor, famished, dehydrated and clasping his hands in apology. The criminal insisted that after he broke into the house, a spirit blinded him and would not let him move or scream for 72 hours.如果你有鬼怪看门、谁还需要门警系统?一对马来西亚夫妇度假归来发现一个连续作案的窃贼躺在他家的地板上,已经饿得奄奄一息、还脱水。这名罪犯后坚称他破门之后被这家人屋里的鬼怪困住、整整72小时不许他动、也不准他叫。小编:连鬼都看不下去了,可真是天网恢恢、疏而不漏啊!
上一篇:那男的说是我老婆头疼不是我 下一篇:我们担心可能会听不懂的。