第1355期 英语笑话:脱口笑话精选 银行家
第1355期 英语笑话:脱口笑话精选 银行家
"I have a plan to end the war in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Here's what we do. We bring all our soldiers home. We send in our investment bankers. They'll screw up the place in six months. Six months!" --Jay Leno
“我有一个计划,可以结束在伊拉克和阿富汗的战争。我们这么做。我们把我们所有的士兵撤回来。我们再送我们的投资银行家去那里。他们一定只需6个月就能把那里搞得一塌糊涂。 只要6个月!”-杰·雷诺
"A construction worker from Queens, New York, used Bernard Madoff's prison number to play the lottery and won. The guy won $1,500. Bernard Madoff, of course, is in prison for luring money from rich people in a giant scam that promised to make them richer. But don't confuse him with the state lottery, which lures money away from poor people in a giant scam that promises to make them richer." --Jay Leno
“纽约皇后区的一名建筑工人,用伯纳德·麦道夫监狱号码,买彩票中了奖。这个家伙中了1500美元。当然,伯纳德·麦道夫被关在监狱里,是因为他用‘保证赚钱’的巨大骗局,来吸走富人的钱。但是,请不要将他和州政府彩票所混淆。州政府彩票那是用保证赚钱的巨大骗局,来吸走穷人的钱。” ——杰·雷诺