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They should never be left to take care of infants.千万别让他们照顾婴儿。否则,他们会给毫无反抗力的婴儿化妆打扮成下面这样:↓



They should never be asked to watch the baby.大一点的宝宝也不能给他们带。否则,宝宝会受到不良的启蒙教育>>>  ↓

They should never be left alone near rivers, especially if there are children around.千万别把他们单独留在河边,尤其是附近有孩子在玩的时候。(他们会用下面的方式帮助孩子去摸到水


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本文标题:趣味图片英语笑话:都说了男人不靠谱,你还不信!(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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