Shenzhen English Corner

第1376期英语笑话 舞会恭维话

阅读 : 105 次


  "Larry! Come here!" said his furious mother, putting the telephone down, " I’ve just had a call   from Mrs. Harrison about your behavior to her Doris at the school dance last night. You wretched, rude boy!"
  "I was nice to her, Mum, really I was!" protested the youth.
  "I even paid her a compliment when we had a dance."
  "Did you, indeed?" said his mother grimly, "And what exactly did you say?"
  "I said, Gosh, Doris, you sweat less than any fat girl I’ve ever danced with!"


wretch n.
grimly adv.
严格地, 可怕地, 冷酷地
sweat [swet] n.
Sweat poured down his face as he ran.

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本文标题:第1376期英语笑话 舞会恭维话 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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