
第21期双语笑话加练习题 可以选择 You May Select

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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!


  The husband complained that his wife always cooked the same dish.

  One day, the husband got home and asked his wife, "My dear, what will we eat today?" 

  The wife said, "You may select the dish today." 

  The husband was very glad and asked, "Which dishes are there today?" 


  "The others?" 


  "Then how to select?" 

  "Eat or not eat!" the wife said.


  (1) complain v.抱怨

  (2) cabbage n.白菜



  ① What did the husband complain about?

  A. His wife sometimes cooked the same dish.

  B. His wife seldom cooked the same dish.

  C. His wife always cooked the same dish.

  D. His wife didn't cook any dish.

  ② What question did the husband ask one day?

  A. He asked what they would cat.

  B. He asked if there was anything to eat.

  C. He asked if there was any meat.

  D. He asked if there was any cabbage.

  ③ The wife told him that_____ .

  A. there was no meat

  B. there was a lot of cabbage

  C. he could select the dish

  D. he could cook some other dishes

  ④ The husband was at first_____ .

  A. very disappointed

  B. very angry

  C. very sad

  D. very glad

  ⑤ We can be sure that_____ .

  A. the family had nothing to eat on that day

  B. the family had only one dish on that day

  C. the family had several dishes an that day

  D. the family went out to a restaurant on that day













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