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英语笑话 谁是傻子

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Who is nuts ?

In a hospital for mentally disturbed people, when the doctor walked into the room of a patient, he saw him dangling from the ceiling. Being frightened, he called the nurse to come and pull him down for fear that the man might fall to his death. The nurse said; "Doctor, every day this patient thinks that he is a lamp, therefore, he often hangs from the ceiling!" The doctor said;“No,you have to pull him down at once; otherwise, he'll die if he falls down."
一家精神病院里,医生走进一个病人的房间,发现病人正吊在天花板上晃来晃去。医生吓坏了,担心病人摔下来一命呜呼,赶紧叫护士把病人拉下来。护士说:¨医生,这个病人每天都认为自己是一盏灯,所以常常把自己吊在天花板上。“医生说:¨不行,你 还是得马上把他拉下来,免得他摔死。

After a pause,the nurse answered: "But the light will go out after I pull him down!"

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