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一个非常棒的写英语日记的网站! own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it. 你有自己的切肉刀而且你会磨它

  72.your toothpaste tubes are all squeezed paper-thin. 你的牙膏都挤到纸一样薄. know what moon cakes are. 你知道什么是月饼.

  74.when there is a sale on toilet paper,you buy 100rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out.当厕纸降价时, 你买了100多卷并囤在衣橱或别人的房间里. (这个厉害, 那个被占领卧室的人真可怜)

  75.your parents know how to launch nasal projectiles. 你的父母知道怎样擤鼻涕。 iron your own shirts. 你自己烫衣服. (意思是老外应该经常找专门的衣服店做这些事情) play a musical instrument.你会弹奏一种乐器. (当然, 咱中国人打小都是天才)

  78.even if you"re totally full,if someone says they"re going to throw away the leftovers on the table,you"ll finish them.即使你饱了, 当别人要把剩下的菜倒掉时你会一嘴把它吃完.

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本文标题:趣味英语:老外如何辨别中国人(5) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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