56.you like chinese films in their original undubbed versions. 你喜欢没有配过音的中国电影.
57.you love chinese martial arts films. 你喜欢中国功夫片.
58.you've learnt some form of martial arts. 你会一些中国武术
59.shaolin actually means something to you.少林对你来说是有特别含义的
60.you like congee with thousand-year-old eggs. 你喜欢很老的蛋配的粥. (what?)应该是皮蛋瘦肉粥吧
61.you prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached. 你喜欢有头尾的虾.
62.you never call your parents just to say hi. 你从不为了问声好而给你父母打电话. (失实严重, 这个老外认识的中国人都太抠门了, 连个国际长途也省, bs之)
63.if you don"t live at home,when your parents call,they ask if you"ve eaten,even if it's midnight.如果你不在家, 你的父母会打电话问你“吃了吗”, 就算半夜12点也不例外.