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garfield:gee,a new coffee with twice the caffeine.


garfield:it even comes with a tiny crowbar.


garfield:to pry your finger off the cup.


jon:whoah! 哇!

garfield:ah yes,the ol'"seconds aways from blissful slumber"body spasm.



pry 用杠杆撬开     pry off 用杠杆撬离     ol'=old 老旧的      blissful 充满喜悦的      slumer 身体      spasm 抽筋


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本文标题:加菲猫喝咖啡-看漫画学英语之加菲猫[5]--双语幽默漫画 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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