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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends! China Classifieds!

Unit 1 I Didn’t Take That In 我没有把药吃下去

A fellow who was rather slow on the uptake had been suffering from constipation, so the doctor provided him with some suppositories.

A week later, the patient came back to tell the doctor that his condition had not improved.

“I’m amazed,” said the doctor. “Have you been taking the medicine I prescribed for you?”

“What do you think I ‘ve been doing, shoving it up my ass?”


1.uptake n. 理解
be quick/slow on the uptake 敏于/拙于理解
例:A:You're kind of slow on the uptake, aren't you?
B: Huh?
( 乙:什 么?)

2.stuffer vt. 遭受(痛苦、损失等)& vi. 罹患(疾病,与 from 并用)
suffering n. 苦难
suffer a big loss 遭受很大的损失
suffer from... 患有(某疾病)
例:The vicious youth suffered the consequences of his actions.
Dad has been suffering from hepatitis for 10 years.

3.constipation n. 便秘

4.provide vt. 准备;供给
provide sb with sth 提供某人某物
supply(提供)、furnish ( 提供 )和 equip (使配备)均采用上列结构 ,与 with 并用。
例:Could you provide me with some information, please?
My pharmacist supplies me with all the drugs I need.
Could you furnish me with a small loan?
The hall is equipped with a very good sound system.

5.suppository n. 坐药;栓

6.improve vt. & vi. 改 善;进 步
improvement n. 改良
例:I've noticed a marked improvement in your English since you started reading Ivy League Analytical English magazine.

7.amaze vt. 使惊讶
amazing a. 令人惊奇的
amazed a. 感到惊奇的
be amazed at... 对……感到惊讶
例:What an amazing story! Whare did you hear it?
I'm amazed at your ignorance.

8.take the medicine 吃/服药
take the pill 吃药丸
eat the soup 喝汤
吃药一词的“吃”或 要用 take ,不 用 eat ;此外喝饮料的动词用 drink ,但喝汤却要用eat the soup ,宜特别加以注意,之所以用 eat,乃是因为汤在西方国家中也是一道菜,而且大都为浓汤(如玉米浓汤、咖 鸡肉面汤…… ),当然如果是在台湾的自助餐厅喝汤的话,那些用白开水加盐及味精的汤,用drink 应是正确无疑的,只是 eat the soup 在英文中已沿用许久,读者只好入境

9.prescribe vt. 开药方
prescription n. 处方
例:Take the prescription to pharmacy and have it filled.
The doctor prescribed some medicine for my stomachache.

10.shove vt. :推 ;挤
shove sth up... 将某物挤入/塞入……
=shove sth into...

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本文标题:赖世雄读英语笑话学英语之傻瓜(1):我没有把药吃下去(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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