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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!

Online English Writing Community

  Einstein dies and goes to heaven.

  “I'm terribly sorry,” says St. Peter, “but your suite is not quite ready yet and you'll have to spend a week in temporary quarters.”

  Arriving at the dorm, Albert finds he'll be living with three other gents.

  “Hi,” says the first man, “we're well-matched as I have an IQ of 180.”

  “Great,” says Al, “we can discuss quantum physics.”

  The second man says hello and mentions he has an IQ of 159.

  “Well, we can discuss the latest mathematical theories,” says Einstein.

  The third introduces himself and says, “I'm honored to meet you sir, but my IQ is only 85.”

  “No problem,” says Einstein. “So tell me, where do you think interest rates are heading?”

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本文标题:爱因斯坦与天使长 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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