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  My roommate was interested in a young man in her English-literature class, but she was too shy to let him know. One day she overheard him say he was on his way to the library for a certain book. She rushed to the library, found the book and stuck in it a letter from her mother.

  “Why would he want to read a letter from your mother?” I asked.

  “He wouldn't, but if he's any kind of gentleman, he'll return it to me ” Her dorm and room numbers were on the envelope, of course.

  The next day he appeared with the letter and asked my roommate out on a date. “Couldn't fail,” she later told me. “The book was Great Expectations.


  (1) overhear v.偶然听到;无意中听到

  (2) on one‘s way to在去……的路上

  (3) date n.约会



  ① My roommate was interested in a young man in her _____ class.

  A. mathematics

  B. English

  C. English-literature

  D. physics

  ② How did she know that he was on his way to the library?

  A. He had told her so.

  B. She was only guessing.

  C. Her classmate told her so.

  D. She overheard it when he was talking to someone else.

  ③ She rushed to the library, and stuck in it_____ .

  A. a love letter

  B. a rose flower

  C. a letter from her mother

  D. a note on which there were her dorm and room numbers

  ④ The young man knew where to find the girl because______ .

  A. there were her dorm and room numbers on the letter

  B. there were her dorm and room numbers on the envelope

  C. he found her telephone number

  D. his classmates helped him

  ⑤ What happened at last?

  A. The young man only returned the letter to her.

  B. The young man ignored the letter.

  C. The young man was too shy to ask her out on a date.

  D. She did make it.我的室友







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