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1 句法结构双关

--"do you ever draw picture in the nude?"
--"no, i usually wear a jacket."
对话中,提问的人是想问“你有没有画过裸体画”,而回答的人却理解为“你曾经光着身子画过画吗?”这则幽默中双关产生的原因是对in the nude在句中不同功能的理解,即作定语或作状语。

2 语义双关

"dear m:
i have been saving this question in the hope that i might gain some intetrst. if free friday, would you care to depost yourself beside me at a movie? i have taken into account that you maybe previously engaged; if so i will withdraw my offer and hipe saturday. at any rate, your company would much enjoy, and i hope you will not assess this as too forward. check you late.        
                                                                                                                                        sincerely b."

英语笑话 英语小笑话 英文笑话 英语幽默小故事

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本文标题:趣味英语:老外们的极致幽默双关语 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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