

阅读 :

  The letter was written by a father to his daughter:

  I'm using this time while I have nothing to do to let you know that I have nothing to say.

  People tend to look down at the word nothing and belittle its importance; however,it can make life or death,success or failure,joy or sadness.

  Mountain climbers have died when they step on it. Parachutists are upset when they pull the ripcord and it comes out.Farmers have lost their farms when they drew it. Ball players and coaches have lost their jobs when they scored it.

  Women have been whistled at when they wore it as a girdle or bra,and many women make a good living when they dance in it.It's also reason for joy when it represents the sum total of your debts.

  It's what you earn when you do it. I have saved it over the years and now have it in my bank account.

  It's what you generally learn from a polilician making aspeech.It's often discussed at meetings, and arguments and fights start over the subject.I often find it in my mailbox andonly last night received it from the milk machine.

  I could go on but it will mean nothing, I just want you tobe aware as you go through life that when you get some time torelax you should think about this subject. Please do not think that I have been trying to give you sermon because I have nothing in mind.

  Don't try to thank me. It's nothing.

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本文标题:Nothing - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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