
Farmer Joke(7)

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  A farmer walks into a lawyer‘s office and says:“I’d like to get one of them-thar day-vorce-ees”“Yes sir,I believe I can help you”replied the lawyer.“Do you have any grounds?”“Oh shore do!”,exclaimed the farmer,“Got me bout a 140 acres out back a the house thar.”“No no……,I mean do you have a case?”asked the lawyer.“No sur,”replied the farmer,“I drive one of them John Deer‘s”“You don’t understand,”said the lawyer,“You need something like a grudge.”“Oh!!”said the farmer,“I got me one of those!That‘s what I park muh Deer in!”The lawyer,a bit frustrated responded,“Sir,you’ve got to have a reason to divorce your wife. Does she beat you up or anything?”“No sur”,replied the farmer,“I purt near get outta bed afore her ever mornin.”Finally the exasperated lawyer shouted,“WHY do you want a divorce?”“Oh,well……”replied the farmer,“She says we jus can‘t communicate!!”

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