
Entertainment Joke(8)

English Blogs
English Blogs
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  One day the son of the big chief comes to the Medicine man and says“Big Chief no fart!”

  So the Medicine man says give him one pill every 5 hours and come back to me in a week. The son comes back and says“Big Chief no fart!”

  So the Medicine man says“give him 2 pills every 3 hours come back to me tomorrow!”

  So the son comes back the next day and says“big chief no fart!”

  The Medicine man says“Really!Give him one bag of pills every hour come back to me tomorrow!!”

  The son comes back the next day and exclaims,“Big Fart……No Chief!”

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本文标题:Entertainment Joke(8) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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